Professor Leah Whittington
Paper #1: The Faerie Queen
By Bledar Blake Zenuni
Love and Sexuality:
Substructures in The Faerie Queene
Elements in Spenser’s Ontology of Love and Sex
English 985lw: Spenser’s Faerie
Queene and the Renaissance Imagination
Harvard University, Fall 2013
after the publication of The Faerie
Queene Books I-III in 1590, Edmund Spenser addressed the question of his
work’s intent: “the generall end therefore of all the booke,” he wrote to Sir
Walter Raleigh, “is to fashion a gentleman or noble person in
vertuous and gentle discipline”. In the next sentence of the letter, Spenser
further explains that he chose to write this epic, “being coloured with an
historicall fiction”, because his audience—ideally everyone who could read and
write, but probably only the nobility in the late 16th century—will
enjoy reading it.[1]
To Spenser, fiction is both what people take pleasure in reading and a means to
educate. Therefore, although Spenser’s
concept of “fashioning a gentleman” raises difficult political and moral
questions, (as does the question ‘what does it mean to be a nobleman?’), The Faerie
Queene, widely popular in Queen Elizabeth’s court and all of England, is
nonetheless able to captivate its intended audience because it is a work of colorful, ‘historicall’ fiction. [Emphasis
a consequence of enthralling people who read it, The Faerie Queene incrementally
educates line-by-line, verse-by-verse, canto-by-canto, and book-by-book. In
particular, in Books I-III Spenser would like to educate the reader on one of
the most taboo and controversial topics of his day: the dynamics between love
and sexuality. To take the most obvious allegorical examples, Book III is
dedicated to the heroine female Knight of Chastity, Britomart, who appears to
promote chastity as a virtue within marriage. Britomart is chastity itself, a
virgin who loves the knight Arthegall faithfully, as she endures the trials and
tribulations of her quest so that she may find Arthegall, marry him, and then
lose her virginity to found a dynasty, thereby preserving her chastity through
regeneration. Book II is dedicated to Guyon, the Knight of Temperance, as he
struggles against temptations and ultimately succeeds in destroying the Bower
of Bliss, an artificial garden harboring unrestrained lust and the sexually
deviant Acrasia. In Book I, the Knight of Holiness, Redcrosse, commits a most
grievous sin by first abandoning Una, or Truth, and then having sex with
Duessa, or Duplicity; Redcrosse is subsequently severely weakened, making him
easy prey for the giant Orgoglio, or Pride. By presenting vastly different
episodes of love and sexuality in Books I-III, Spenser’s sexual politics in The Faerie Queene, remain a matter for
considerable debate.
in every major encounter with love and sex presented to the knights of Books
I-III, classical figures, ideas, or myths appear. In Book III, for instance,
the goddesses Venus and Diana are central to how chastity and love are
presented. In Book II, when Guyon enters the Bower of Bliss he can’t help but
be almost spellbound by the ivory gate with reliefs from the story of Jason and
Medea, let alone the beautiful meadow compared to Rhodope, Tempe, Ida and
Parnassus. In Book I, Redcrosse encounters numerous captives, once powerful and
mighty, from classical antiquity in the House of Pride; he escapes immediately,
only to have sex with Duessa and drink from a cursed fountain that renders him
too weak to defeat Orgoglio. In Books I-III, then, one way of making sense of
Spenser’s ontology of love and sex is to look at how Spenser uses classical
elements to create paradigms of understanding what sexuality means, and how the
paradigms change or evolve throughout the first three books. In Books I and II,
classical elements are harbingers of a demoralizing, destructive, and deadly
force of sexuality, but in Book III Spenser presents something all too
different; instead of equating classical figures and the ideas they embody with
destructive sex, Spenser classicizes love; love is a means to reproduce, just
as the sexual activity between Venus and Adonis is necessary to sustain
creation, so too must Britomart fulfill her quest in order to engage in sexual
activity with Arthegall to found a dynastic line that will sustain all of England.
Redcrosse, Una and Duessa: How
Classical Figures Are Warnings Against Sex
Book 1, Spenser uses classical elements, both from the Virgilian epic Aeneid and classical mythology, to define what his own epic
has to say about love and sex. Spenser begins the opening lines of Book I by invoking the Aeneid. Structurally, the opening of the
Aeneid serves as a model for the Faerie Queene, for the Aeneid
begins with the lines: “I am he who once turned my song on a slender oaten
reed… but now I sing of the terrible arms of Mars and the hero”; Book I’s
opening lines echo not only the words, but also
the pattern established by Virgil of a movement from pastoral to epic poetry:
“Lo I the man, whose Muse whilome did maske,
As time her taught in lowly Shepheards weeds,
Am now enforst a far unfitter taske,
And sing of Knights and Ladies Gentle deeds" (1 i 1-6)
these together in one heape were throwne,
Like carkases of beasts in butchers
And in another corner wide were
The Antique ruins of the Romanes fall,
Great Romulus the Grandsyre of them all,
Proud Tarquin, and too lordly Lentulus,
Stout Scipio, and stubborne Hanniball,
Ambitious Sylla, and sterne Marius,
High Caesar,
great Pompey, and fers Antonius.” (1 v 49)
Such figures are all lumped together
for Redcrosse to observe, which should lead him to question his relationship
with Duessa because she brought him there in the first place. It is clear that
this episode is a warning to Redcrosse to either get out of the House of Pride,
or risk being chained along with the rest of the captives; it is only with the
aide of Una’s dwarf, however, that Redcrosse is able to escape by sneaking out
the back way.
Word Count: 1187
Word Count: 1187
[1] Spenser,
Edmund, A. C. Hamilton, Hiroshi Yamashita, and Toshiyuki Suzuki. The Faerie
Qveene. "Letter to Sir Walter Raleigh”, pp. 713-718.
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