How to Train Business People on a Large
(or Small Breakdown Group) Setting in a Few Hours
Negotiation Process: Four Simple Steps
• Step One: Preparing your strategy
• Step Two: Exchanging information
• Step Three: Opening and making
• Step Four: Closing and getting
Step One: Preparing your Strategy
- Assess the situation
- What is the perceived importance of the future relationship between the parties? (A)
- What is the perceived conflict over stakes? (B)
Balanced Concerns (business
partnership, joint venture or merger) -- Collaboration
(problem solving) and compromise
• Relationships (work team, marriage) -- Accommodation, problem solving and compromise
• Transactions (divorce, house sale, market
transaction) --Competition, problem
solving and
• Tacit coordination (street intersection) -- Avoidance, accommodation and compromise.
Your counterpart’s goal
Your counterpart’s BATNA
Standards and
norms—market information; items of higher and lower value to use for logrolling.
Step Two: Exchanging Information
Establish rapport
o The
importance of networking, small talk and “schmoozing”
o Obtain
info on the other side’s interests, issues and perceptions- ASK QUESTIONS!
o Look
for interests behind positions
o Signal
your own expectations and strengths (gently)
Common mistakes:
o Assuming
the other party has the same style as you do
o Rushing
through (“skimming”) the information gathering component
o Assuming
you already know the other side’s goals, concerns, and interest
o Failing
to signal your own interests and expectations
o Forgetting
to ask questions
Three: Opening and Making Concessions
Issue: Should you make the opening
Many “experts” claim you should avoid
making the opening offer
However sometimes that might not be
correct since each case is different
Should the opening be “optimistic”
(slightly aggressive but passes the red face test) or “fair and reasonable”?)
Context matters
o In
a relationship negotiation, a fair or even accommodating opening can be the
right one
o In
a Transactional negotiation, a more optimistic opening is more likely to lead
to your best outcome
Remember who’s on the other side— e.g.
competitors tend to star with optimistic openings
Concessions are the language of
Concessions patterns matter just as
much as the opening
Four: Closing & Getting Commitment
Agreement without commitment isn’t
Classic endgame issues
o Time
o Splitting
the difference
o Threats/walkouts
o Nibbling
(asking for little last minute concession)
Six Ways to Build Trust in Negotiations
Speak their language
o Take
the time to understand the other’s history, culture, perspective
o Be
sensitive to word choice and the other’s level of experience
o Early
preparation can lessen the impact of gaffes: state at the outset you’ve worked
on understanding the other party’s perspective, needs, and interest but you
recognize that a lot of learning will take place as the negotiation moves
forward and the relationship builds.
o Work
on building an environment that encourages questions and acceptance of the
natural process of mistakes occurring.
2. Manage your reputation
o Your
reputation precedes you
o A
bad reputation can be a deal killer from the start; a great will help
o Reputation
as a tool, not a backdrop
o Provide
references from mutually trusted third parties that vouch for your character
o If
appropriate, a third party can communicate with the other side prior to the
negotiation, or even serve as an intermediary during it.
o Offer
other forms of evidence of past successes in similar relationships, such as
media or trade reports
3. Make dependence a factor
o Consider
the Stockholm syndrome: hostages become psychologically dependent on their
captors’ statements and demands more than those of the officials who are
attempting to negotiate their release.
o We
tend to cope with psychological discomfort associated with dependence by
believing in trustworthiness of those upon whom we depend.
o In
negotiation, when both parties believe that they need each other to achieve
their individual goals and that their options are limited, trust between
parties will increase.
o Highlight
unique benefits you can provide and empathize the damage that might results
from an impasse
o This
technique can be useful when a stalemate looms large and alternatives to
agreement appear painful or costly.
o In
such situations, a negotiator who senses he has no other recourse may come to
trust even his “enemy.”
Make unilateral concessions
o A
careful unilateral concession conveys to the other party that you consider the
relationship to be a friendly one.
o Requires
no commitment or concession from the other party
o Come
at little cost or risk to the provider, but is of high benefit to the recipient
o Demonstrates
competence by portraying you as someone who understands the other side.
Explain your demands
o Make
a strong case for your moves in a negotiation and provide the other party with
explanations of your demand
o An
offer that is explained and justified will probably preserve trust and may
enhance it
Maximizing joint gain
o Believing
the other party is competent and has character allows negotiators to take the
risks that are necessary to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes
What To Do From Here?
Observe how people behave during
negotiations each day
Be aware of what you’re doing in
negotiations—being conscious is the first and most important step to being
Read more about these issues in Suggested Readings:
o Martha
Legace of Harvard Business School “Negotiating
in Three Dimensions”
o Deepak
Malhorta of Harvard Business School “Six Ways to Build Trust in Negotiations,”
o Richard
Shell, Bargaining For Advantage
o Stone,
Patton, and Heen, How to Discuss What
Matters Most.
Martha, Harvard Business School Working Knowledge, “Negotiating in Three
Dimensons,” <>
August 7, 2013
Deepak Harvard Business School Working Knowledge, “Six Ways to Build Trust in
Negotiations”, <>August
7, 2013
and Kennedy, “Negotiation Theory & Practice”, Stanford, <
> 2013.
Pruitt and Kim, “Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate and Settlement:
“Dual Concerns Model”, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Shell, R.G. (2006). Bargaining for
advantage. New York, NY: Penguin Books
Photo Credit
See image: Mobius, <>
August 7, 2013.